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Careers: Staying Positive After Being Laid Off

ecoming laid off is one of the most difficult things any worker will face in their career lifetimes. While this can be a very devastating experience for a number of reasons, it is important to take positive steps in your approach to this situation. From taking a little much deserved time to yourself to reaching out to friends and family you haven't spoken with in a while, there are many ways to make a layoff into a more positive and rewarding experience.

Get out!

What we mean by this is for you to get out there and have a good time. Remember, you won't always have the free time that comes with losing your employment. Go do the things you have been putting off, just make sure you don't blow the bank on them! Life after a layoff should be filled with reflection and enjoyment before you dive back in to a full-fledged career search.

Stay in!
Okay, now one very important task to do everyday is to spend time updating your resume, preparing for interviews, keeping up with current events and the like. It is important to dedicate time to these activities, however, it isn't desirable to spend all of your time trying to secure that new job. Trust us, you can burn yourself out and build too much stress if you are spending hours on end reading job boards and calling contacts.



Exercise is absolutely key for you in your post employment time because it keeps you healthy. Remember, you actually were pretty active at least five days a week while you were working and it doesn't help stress, family, health and a number of other aspects of you life to sit around and be lazy all day. It's true that you did miss a lot of great daytime programming on the television...


Plan your route!

There are two ways you can approach the hazards that await when losing your job.  You can feel sorry for yourself and do nothing productive, or you can see the situation as a wonderful opportunity to get out there and find that perfect next employment opportunity.  You didn't really like that old job now that you think about it, right?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article. Being laid off can have a lot of effects on you and your family. It is important to find good tips to stay busy and to keep a positive attitude. Making sure you exercise is a very important activity to do while your not working. There are also back up plans that can cover some financial bills while you don't have steady money coming in. My friend was laid off for almost have a year so I told him to research sell structured settlement. If it is hard to wait for future payments, this is a liable option to receive a lump sum of cash quickly. It may be helpful to pay bills or maybe your children's college bills. There are also other ways to obtain cash quickly like selling annuities and casino winnings. However, it is important to talk to a professional before making any decisions.




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