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Careers: Top Financial Tips For Future Security

When you are new to the workforce the number one key is to establish financial goals that are achievable and believable in nature. After you establish your goals, the next step is to work hard and develop a solid financial plan for achieving these goals. 

Young Workers Saving MoneyRemember, you can’t achieve your financial goals in one night or one week, it needs time and you’ll have to devote a portion of your life today to enhance your tomorrow. 

Your financial plan must focus on some important points such as contribution to your 401K, saving a certain percentage of your take-home pay, establishing an emergency nest egg and profitable investments etc. When you focus on such points you’ll have a strong financial health throughout your life.

Contribute to your 401K:

If you want enough money to save for your retirement then contributing to your 401k is very important early on. The process is quite easy. Accounts are set up and as you start your account you’ll be offered various investment plans with different levels of risk. Follow a simple rule of lower risk and higher returns. You can change your current choice to any other attractive choice, usually at any time. These plans are not limited to one single investment and consists of various investments, like stocks, bonds and money market (mutual fund) investments. Being a young worker, you need to make sure to contribute to your 401K to secure your future in terms of financial freedom.

Importance of saving for retirement:

Saving is good habit and you need to realize its importance from the day you start your first job. It’s a very good idea to have reasonable amount of money stashed away as you know the future is uncertain. Emergencies never give you any warning and require us to save some cash for the unknown. If you have some money aside you are actually securing yourself against unexpected happenings. Once you start a savings account your balance will grow month after month and give you a sense of great accomplishment and a drive to save more. This step if very important and you must follow through to save money and make it your hobby to secure your financial future. 

Having emergency money in the bank:

Inevitable and unexpected emergencies can happen anytime in your life. Life gives you surprises at any stage and you can incur expenses that you didn’t plan for. Illness, accidents and other injuries can occur and it is important to plan for the unexpected and have money to pay the bills so that you don't wreck your finances and credit at a young age. Such unexpected events can put you in trouble especially when they create unplanned for debts. If you have some extra cash on hand, you can easily avoid early career life financial pitfalls. Emergency money needs to be set aside, not for extra savings or investment, but simply for emergency purposes. Make it a habit to have a set amount of cash to meet emergencies when they inevitably occur.

Invest in your company's stock plan:

Make a goal to invest in certain profitable stock plans your company may offer. There are number of ways where you can get consistent growth with minimum risk like and employee stock purchase plan or retirement matching funds. Just remember not to think your investment will bless you with millions of dollars immediately, heck if you don't earn any interest your money will still grow with your set contributions. Be assured that investment in stock is the one financial activity where relative no work is involved and you’ll have stock with significant growth if your company is on solid financial footing. This is the best plan for your future security and financial status because the money is there without thinking about it with a relatively low risk factor. Make this investment on a consistent basis to get rid of your financial dependency later when you need the access to your assets.

The takeaway:

There are no hard and fast rules to ensure your future financial freedom. It’s absolutely uncertain, but if you make proper arrangements to secure your future you will have the ability to minimize the uncertainties and subsequent consequences. By following these steps you can improve your present life standard and make your financial future relatively more secure.


  1. Wow Brian you take the Word out off my thord

  2. Thanks Steen. Not sure what you are saying here, but thank you for stopping by the blog.




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