Many people want to get a promotion as soon as possible at their first real job and they work very diligently in doing so. This is one of the top goals you should have, especially if you are a young worker looking to quickly move up in the organization.
If you know the correct tactics you will be set for an early promotion. Unfortunately, many don’t know or lack the basic background principles to put
their career growth or promotion in overdrive. In this article we discuss certain tactics that will help you achieve a rapid promotion.
Forget About Your Past Job:
Once you are hired, your present company forgets about your previous bosses, work places and accomplishments. In an era of competition it can really annoy people when you are talking about all the great things you did at your past companies. By doing so your current management will think - if you enjoyed your earlier job so much then why are you here? With this said, it is important to always try to give your management the sense that you have their best interests at heart as opposed to the great last position you held.