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Showing posts with label Careers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Careers. Show all posts

Careers: Top 5 Reasons Teenagers Are Fleeing Facebook | Yahoo Finance

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Careers: The 7 Hottest Jobs For Young Adults

Wondering which post-grad jobs could help you launch your career? We found fast-growing, high-pay jobs perfect for young adults.

If it seems like it's taking longer for workers to reach a decent wage than ever before, that's because it is. According to a recent study conducted by Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce titled "Failure to Launch: Structural Shift and the New Lost Generation," it took longer for young adults to reach the median wage in 2012 than it did in 1980. In fact, the average age at which professionals reach the median wage has shifted from 26 to 30.

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Careers: The Importance of Investing for Young People

Smart Investing Young
Investment is important for young workers for many diverse reasons.  Chiefly, if you wait to start investing until later in your career it means you have probably wasted many precious opportunities. 

When you are early in your career and you have started investing from your paycheck the chances you'll be able to retire comfortably are greatly enhanced. The early career investment will give you an opportunity to develop healthy and responsible spending habits. 

Studies have shown that the earlier you start investing you will have a great deal more money at the end because of your experience, long term investment, and compounding factors. With the passage of time you’ll gain financial experience and can try various investment opportunities.  Some of the most popular are:  investment in stock, bonds and peer to peer lending. Finally, after retirement you can try angel investments provided you have solid experience and a substantial dollar amount. 
Below are some of the main advantages you can obtain if you have made reliable investments in the early days of your career.

Time for Growth:

First and foremost, you’ll have time to grow your investment. It is not necessary for your investment will grow over night, it's a positive if it takes some time. If you started contributing in your early career you have more time to allow your investment to grow. Compound interest is the best kept secret around and will surely give growth and added value to your portfolio. It goes without saying that getting a jump start really proves that time is money.

Recovery without Pressure:

Another great advantage of early career financial acumen is recovery. If you have lost some money there will be drastically less pressure to recover quickly. After careful calculation you have decided to invest a portion of your salary and if you have a downturn you’ll have time on your side to manage it again from your paycheck. You are playing with your own money so there will be no external pressure for making rapid recovery.

Risk Factor:

Higher risk = higher return. If you are young you can take risks more easily because, in case of loss, you have plenty of time to recoup your losses and rebuild your investment portfolio. On the other hand, you can’t take as many risks if you are older because of time constraints from your age to recover. So being a young investor you can take advantage of risk without the reliance on the investment income of those at an older point in their lives.

Opportunity to Learn:

Smart and well timed investment decisions early in your career will really enhance your learning capabilities. From your earlier mistakes you’ll gain valuable knowledge that will improve your investment skills. In turn you can set your investment goals for the present that you’ll be able to achieve tomorrow. If you have properly managed your finances early you will enjoy a higher quality of life as you get older. Take it from us, investment in your early career will really give you the opportunity to learn and implement.

Build a Diversified Portfolio:

By consistently adding money to your investment accounts on a continual basis your investment grows over time and there are more opportunities to build a diversified portfolio. The greater benefit of diversification is that you are much less likely to be hurt by individual portfolio losses. Perhaps one segment of your investment is currently at a loss which you will offset with another that is giving you a positive return. By spreading your money around you can hedge against possible losses easily. 

Diversification and hedging are much less risky if you start your investment career at the beginning of your employment career. That’s why it is strongly recommended to start investing, even just a little, as soon as possible to capitalize on the benefits of diversification.

Bottom Line:

If your goal is to build wealth at a young age it is necessary to take a start today by making wise investment choices. Try to learn tips and tactics to develop long term investment skills. Time is as important as your capital for investment so utilize your time and money passionately to get the maximum returns.

Careers: Reviews of Top Job Search Aggregator Sites

We wanted to share some great resources to all employment seekers available today.
Without question, finding a new or first job is an important step for all of us for a number of reasons. Most people think about finances first, especially in this economy. In addition, quality of the employer and their benefits usually plays a key role in your career planning and decision making process.

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Careers: Top 6 Tips to Motivate and Manage Young Employees

Gone are the days when people finished their education and then started looking for job. With so many possibilities readily available in the job market, individuals now rely on starting early. These young starters are very energetic, vibrant, and enthusiastic and are always overflowing with self-confidence.  

Motivating Younger Employees 
When we discuss young workers, we are talking of people aged in between 21 to 26 years of age. They are the young blood in the labor force that is energetic, lively and enthusiastic.  Because of this, traditional management techniques are challenged and supervisors are finding it difficult to enforce their power into something constructive. 

Careers: Top Ways to Stay Positive After Being Laid Off

Becoming laid off is one of the most difficult things any worker will face in their career lifetimes. While this can be a very devastating experience for a number of reasons, it is important to take positive steps in your approach to this situation. 


Lost Job Stay Happy
From taking a little much deserved time to yourself to reaching out to friends and family you haven't spoken with in a while, there are many ways to make a layoff into a more positive and rewarding experience.

Get out!

What we mean by this is for you to get out there and have a good time. Remember, you won't always have the free time that comes with losing your employment. Go do the things you have been putting off, just make sure you don't blow the bank on them! Life after a layoff should be filled with reflection and enjoyment before you dive back in to an advanced career search.

Careers: Top Tips To An Early Promotion

Many people want to get a promotion as soon as possible at their first real job and they work very diligently in doing so. This is one of the top goals you should have, especially if you are a young worker looking to quickly move up in the organization. 

Getting PromotedIf you know the correct tactics you will be set for an early promotion. Unfortunately, many don’t know or lack the basic background principles to put
their career growth or promotion in overdrive. In this article we discuss certain tactics that will help you achieve a rapid promotion.

Forget About Your Past Job:

Once you are hired, your present company forgets about your previous bosses, work places and accomplishments. In an era of competition it can really annoy people when you are talking about all the great things you did at your past companies. By doing so your current management will think - if you enjoyed your earlier job so much then why are you here? With this said, it is important to always try to give your management the sense that you have their best interests at heart as opposed to the great last position you held.

Careers: Top Financial Tips For Future Security

When you are new to the workforce the number one key is to establish financial goals that are achievable and believable in nature. After you establish your goals, the next step is to work hard and develop a solid financial plan for achieving these goals. 

Young Workers Saving MoneyRemember, you can’t achieve your financial goals in one night or one week, it needs time and you’ll have to devote a portion of your life today to enhance your tomorrow. 

Your financial plan must focus on some important points such as contribution to your 401K, saving a certain percentage of your take-home pay, establishing an emergency nest egg and profitable investments etc. When you focus on such points you’ll have a strong financial health throughout your life.

Careers: Top 5 Ways You Can Win a Company Over With Your Resume

When applying for a new job, the application form is in some ways the most important part of getting the job, potentially more important than even the interview itself. 

The Application Form or CV:

CV HelpThis will essentially give the employer a first impression and it means you can win them over straight away before you even meet them. Of course, there is still a lot to do in the interview process however, getting in a good application form gets your foot in the door and gives you that interview opportunity.

Careers: Top 5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs Social Media

Social Media For Small BusinessWe live in a competitive society. Everything counts, especially if you are trying to get a leg up on your small business. 

Business is competitive. There’s no secret there. Every little thing matters, no matter what business you are in. Whether you are in the restaurant industry or you run a small bank, certain things stand out more than others. Appearance is one of them.

Social media has the ability to do wonders for your online presence. It can spread awareness of your brand, boost your fan base, help with advertising and mend any negative perception you might have. And best of all, it’s free. 

Careers: Top 6 Tips for Young Job Seekers

After you leave school or college and going for your first job, the thought of your first job interview can be a daunting and scary task. But if you have studied the company and job description well and have some set answers to the expected interview questions, then you’ll feel much better. Keep one thing in mind if you don’t get your first job, it's OK. Just continue your efforts and get to the perfect one!

Here are some tips that will really help you at the time of your first job interview.

Tip 1: Be Well Prepared

Normally fresh candidates focus on standard interviews, which is not a good idea. It’s important to be ready for other kinds of interviews too. It may be standard interview, behavioral interview, group interview or role-plays. Every type of interview requires specific knowledge and skills. No need to be a master, but it’s a good idea to have basic information about each one to face the interviewer with confidence.

Careers: The Top 7 Things Young Workers Should Know many workers one of the hardest adjustments when going out for work is simply “not knowing from where to start”. This is because you are new and inexperienced. The following seven points will help you being new worker to get success.

  1. Know your Market:

The first and most important thing you should know about is your market. Carefully study the market and then analyze your potential to know where you fit in. Once you select the right market the rest of the process is in your hands and you can easily excel with your potential and energy. Thus, the first key to your success is the selection of right market.



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