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18-year-old charged for having sex with younger students?

7 Key Lessons from The $100 Startup

Steve Jobs Quotes: Life Lessons from the Entrepreneur of Apple

Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011 after his rollercoaster like life. He left lots of good things for us.  He was a great inventor and a innovative computer entrepreneur. 

He left us great inventions such as a personal computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad.  He also left us great inspirational quotes.  Here are the great quotes by Steve Jobs.


Steve Jobs Quotes AppleYour time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
~ Steve Jobs

Audiobooks: Top 7 Reasons to Create an Audiobook Today

The audiobook market is booming over the last few years.  Companies like ACX and Amazon are making it easier for any author to have their books produced into audio format for little to no up-front financial investment.

Audiobooks are growing in demand over the last decade as the internet and smart phones make it much more advantageous for people to have an audio version of their favorite books.  They are quickly replacing radio as the thing to do during your daily commute. 

I've made one. You can too.

Will self-publishing make traditional publishing dead?

As the internet continues to grow at a pace no one really could have imagined, there is growing skepticism that it will be able to maintain it's phenomenal pace.  


One debate gaining particular traction is that of whether or not self-publishing will make the traditional news media obsolete.  While many are of the opinion that, in the not so distant future, a model of free author generated content will make standard news gathering organizations irrelevant - we believe that this will not be the case for three particular reasons.  Financing, journalistic expertise, and an aging population will have a tremendous effect on the emergence of self-published literature.

Sports Business: Increasing Player Salaries and the United States Labor System

Over the past 40 years-- the period of increasing economic inequality that former Slate writer Timothy Noah called "The Great Aberration"-- American's earnings have actually not expanded whatsoever, in dollars when adjusted for inflation. 

However, Major League Baseball player earnings have actually increased twenty fold in real bucks: the ordinary major-league salary in 2012 was $3,213,479. The income disparity between ballplayers and their fans closely resembles the rising discrepancy between CEO’s and their employees, which grew during the same period from about 25-to-1 to 380-to-1.

Baseball Player Salaries Unions 

Top teams ($ in millions)

  1. New York Yankees... 232,998,561
  2. Los Angeles Dodgers... 223,867,196
  3. Philadelphia Phillies... 170,353,189
  4. Boston Red Sox.. 152,028,000
  5. Detroit Tigers 145,989,500
    Source:  News Day Sports

    Careers: How Taking Risks Offers Huge Business Benefits

    Taking Risk in Business

    The biggest aversion people typically have towards taking risks is their fear of the unknown! 

    This is especially true when you're a marketer online trying to grow your business since any mistakes could cost you dearly from a financial point of view! On the other hand if you're reluctant to step outside your comfort zone it's unlikely you'll experience any type of growth be it professional or personal in nature!

    Let's examine 5 ways in which you or your business benefits by your willingness to leave your comfort zone and try new things!

    Why Six Sigma is Important in Business

    These days employers seek professionals having six sigma certification as they are expected to be proficient of using the techniques appropriately. There are many six sigma certification courses available online as well. You can also order one such program from a reputed provider and get the certification.


    Six Sigma ChartSix sigma certification are strategies and tools aimed at process improvement. It was a brain child of Motorola corporation and it was conceived in 1985 but its popularity surged when Jack Welch made it pivotal as his business strategy in the General Electric in the year 1995. It is today used by various sectors of the economy since it seeks to enhance out put process and quality through the identification and the removal of the causes of errors and the minimization of variability in the business and manufacturing processes. 



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